Marshall Gunnell
Technology Writer
Marshall is a seasoned technical writer and gaming enthusiast based in Tokyo. He's a professional wordsmith with hundreds of articles featured on VGKAMI, Business Insider, How-To Geek, PCWorld, Zapier, and much more. His writing has reached a massive audience of over 70 million readers.
Definitions from Marshall Gunnell
Dark Pattern (UX Dark Pattern)
What is Dark Pattern Design? Dark pattern is a term used in user experience (UX) design to describe design elements...
Green Hat Hacker
What is a Green Hat Hacker? The green hat hacker, also known as a newbie, “noob“, or a neophyte, is...
API Call
What is an API Call? An API (Application Programming Interface) Call is a request made by a software application to...
Latest Q&As from Marshall Gunnell
Q:What’s the Difference Between NAS and SAN?
A: NAS and SAN – the N in both these palindromic acronyms stands for network. They’re closely related in that SAN...