What Does Change Mode Mean?
Change mode (chmod) is a Unix operating system command used by administrators and programmers to set or change the access permissions of a file or directory. These settings determine the level of access to be granted to the given file or directory.
The chmod command was first used in ATT Unix 1 and is still in use today by Unix-like operating systems. It is also available as a C language library function in Unix.
Techopedia Explains Change Mode
The syntax for change mode is as follows:
The chmod command has the following options:
-R, –recursive: Changes the directories and files recursively
-v, –verbose: Displays a diagnostic report for every processed file
-c, –changes: Like verbose but displays only when there are actual changes
-f, –silent:Suppress error messages
–reference=RFILE: Use RFILE’s mode instead of MODE values
Permissions are granted as follows: a: All
o: Other
g: Group
r: Read
u: User
w: Write
x: Execute or run as a program