What Does Batch File Mean?
A batch files is a text file that contains a sequence of commands for a computer operating system. Batch files encapsulate multiple commands into a single file, and are created for command sequences that users employ repeatedly. Commonly used batch files are part of most operating systems. The sequence of commands in the batch file is initiated by entering the name of the batch file on the command line.
Techopedia Explains Batch File
Batch files are text files with a series of commands that are executed by the command interpreter. They allow users to set up a batch script to automate many commands. When batch files run, a shell program reads the file and executes its commands line by line. Batch files run a sequence of executables automatically.
In a disk operating system, a batch file has .BAT extension, while in a UNIX-based operating system, batch files are called shell scripts. In the IBM mainframe virtual machine operating system, batch files have a .EXEC extension.