What Does Apache Slider Mean?
Apache Slider is a code base for the Hadoop data analytics tool set or ‘suite’ licensed by the Apache software foundation. This project’s aim is to help users to apply Hadoop and the YARN resource management tool to various goals and objectives.
Techopedia Explains Apache Slider
Experts explain that Apache Slider will help to extend the reach of what Hadoop and YARN can do by allowing certain kinds of databases to run unmodified in the YARN resource management environment.
YARN is an existing Hadoop resource that focuses on resource management and complements other tools like MapReduce and the Hadoop HDFS file handling system. Apache Slider will make more different types of programs compatible with YARN and extend the ‘case uses’ that are possible.
Instead of modifying existing applications, say experts, Apache Slider will allow for a much broader and diversified application of database and data analytics platforms to Hadoop’s core software resources. Using Apache slider may also improve the efficiency of memory and processing resources for an entire project.
Another way to explain the use of Apache Slider and its development is that it can help YARN to eventually become the central software or “operating system” for a corporate data warehouse or other data center. For instance, tools like Apache HBase and Hive are often used in enterprise environments. Making these more compatible with Hadoop YARN can have some real impact on business process efficiency.